Where did 2024 go?
Hello everyone
2024 saw new volunteers, members and activity for the Caledon Village Association. One of our early events was a meeting held at Caledon Village Place that saw presentations from Forks of the Credit Preservation, Caledon OPP,  Caledon Lions Club, Caledon Agricultural Society and an information desk from the Town of Caledon. We plan on having another of these meetings in the spring and invite everyone to attend for updates and new information from different groups.
The Caledon Village Association also works alongside other community groups to help support local initiatives and to bring concerns to the forefront. West Caledon Community Traffic Group (which includes representation from CVA) has raised concerns with the Town of Caledon and the Region of Peel specific to the areas of Brimstone, Befountain, Caledon Village and Alton, most specifically about speeding and haul routes. Watch for more information and involvement in 2025. If you ever wondered what the Caledon portion of the Hwy 10 study looked like, please reach out to caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com we will gladly send you a copy.
October saw us bring the Pumpkin Carving evening! So many pumpkins! More importantly, so many smiles! This was our first venture but certainly not our last and I believe we may be coordinating with Caledon Central for next years event.Thank you to the Optimists Club for helping us along.
If you have met our Event Coordinator Fiorina, then you know why we have more community events happening, it's going to be exciting to see what she has lined up for 2025!
November was Photo with Santa time! This event was with the amazing support of the Caledon Agricultural Society. The Agricultural Hall was a great location and Santa loved it! Many people contributed to this event and at the risk of missing someone, Fiorina, Emily, Sofie, Eve, Jasmine, Jaz, Jasneet, Ed, Sandra, Marion, Glenda, Lisa, Mauro, Cam, David, Don, Tom and all those at Caledon Village Place that I may not have seen. It was a great success and we have expanded plans for next year!
December brought the Tree Lighting! Again with amazing support from Knox United Church, Optimists, Caledon Lions, James Dick and family, Town of Caledon, Tim Hortons. Caledon Town Crier, Lesley Kennedy and the amazing Caledon Central Choir, Caledon OPP, Caledon Fire Dept Stn 309. So many volunteers including Nadina - our new (and hopefully ongoing) MC. Eve Traetto, Jaz, Paul, Jasmine, Jeevan, Jasneet, Judy, Emily, Sofie, Fiorina, Ed  and so many more. It is a given that I will have missed someone, and for that I apologize! I would like to give a special shout out to Too Tall Ted who handled the clean up when all was said and done.
The saying of "It takes a Village" lives on here in Caledon Village, while there are so many things going on in and around us that aren't as much fun, the CVA hopes that you are enjoying our events and plan on being part of next years line up.
If you have any questions, please contact us at caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com or check out our website CaledonVillage.org  Our next in person meeting is January 9th 2025 at 18365 Hurontario St.,(Hwy 10) in Caledon Village (Old Caledon Township Hall) downstairs at 7:30pm
On behalf of the CVA including all the amazing pe
November 6, 2024 
The Caledon Village Association has brought you two community meetings this year that gave residents the opportunity to hear updates regarding everything from aggregate to traffic to community events.
October 28th saw our first Pumpkin Carving Event, it was a great success and we look forward to teaming up with Caledon Central for next year's event.
November 12th will open the flood gates of activity with the upcoming inaugural Photo with Santa Day! November 23rd, followed closely by the Annual Parade and Tree Lighting on Dec. 7th! 
There is lots to do and if you would like to be more involved, this is your opportunity.





Good grief it’s September!


Well, here we are, it’s September, as I look out the window the day has not been sunny as forecast, a minor splash of rain, but then my phone went off with a heat warning starting tomorrow through Wednesday.


So, what’s new? Well, September 6th 2023 at 2:30pm the Caledon Operations Service Plan https://pub-caledon.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=34540 and Windrow Clearing Program Workshop will discussed https://pub-caledon.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=34541. 


There were several complaints last winter season regarding snow removal, once all this is discussed we are hoping to engage with Mr.Baird to see how snow removal can be improved, many of our back roads were extremely dangerous and Hwy 10 continues to be a headache for those living on it dealing with not just one snowbank but two after the sidewalk plough goes by. You do have the opportunity to submit your thoughts on these subjects. If you have questions or comments regarding items on this agenda, please contact Council and Committee Services by email to agenda@caledon.ca or by phone at 905.584.2272 ext. 2366.


September 12th  or 13th 2023 will bring  General Committee meeting(s) during which, it is anticipated that there will be discussion regarding the easement off James St. E. If this land, owned by the Town of Caledon is sold to the developer it will likely pave the way for the townhouses to be built. Either for or against, I encourage everyone to email all of council with your thoughts. No final decision will happen until the council meeting of September 26th, but the decision made that night will be pivotal. Even better, attend in person and have your say on the 12th or 13th, when the agendas are sent out, I will forward. However, emails can go anytime!


Let’s celebrate good news! The CVA will be having their September meeting on the 14th 7:30 at the usual location, 18365 Hurontario Street, Caledon Village. Members of Town of Caledon staff will be on hand to discuss the Tree Lighting! Not only will Knox United be having their Christmas Market and Bake Sale on Sat. Dec. 2nd 9am to 2pm but the CVA will be proudly presenting the Tree Lighting the same day! and dare I say Parade! Once we talk this out on Sept 14th we will have a better idea of what participating in the parade will entail, but we are very hopeful for great attendance! Start practicing those songs!


The woodland carving (the squirrel) at the Tim Hortons corner will be experiencing a clean and a clear coat, many thanks to Betty Lau for offering to do this. Awcsplus1@yahoo.com 416-931-2927


We understand not everyone is on social media, so at this time I would like to add that the CVA expresses their condolences and sympathy to the family of former Caledon Lions member and Past President Steve Hayward.


You are all welcome to the meeting on the 14th although space might get tight, if we have lots of people interested, we will try and accommodate. If you have questions, concerns or issues you think the CVA might be able to help with, please contact us at caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com


Stay well through the heat




If you have received this in error, first of all my apologies, but please contact us to be removed from the contact list.






January/February 2023 Newsletter


As I sit here typing this and looking out the front window, the weather is rather miserable. I think we can all agree that this winter has been “different”. Tomorrow, March 1st is the start of the meteorological spring, so with that in mind, lets start thinking Spring thoughts!


 The 2022 Tree Lighting also saw the return of the Parade! Credit goes to the tenacity of our volunteers to get everything done with permissions and permits in place. While not huge, the parade travelled throughout a large portion of the village creating many smiles and festive feelings. When planning starts late this summer, please feel free to come onboard with the planning.

Oh those snowflakes! As many of you will have noticed, not all the snowflakes were glowing. The CVA and the Town of Caledon reached an agreement that has the Town looking after the snowflakes from now on, meaning putting up, taking down and storage is all being looked after by the Town of Caledon and we thank Jason, Emily and Alyson for all their help during this process.

The return to decorative banners. Last year as we all know, Caledon Village celebrated it’s 200 Bicentennial (delayed due to COVID) but we got there! Part of that process was to have the bicentennial flags visible in the village. We are in a new year and we hope to have new banners put up. We still have a supply of the historic banners but will be looking to have something hanging next to them. Do you have suggestions? If you do, please contact us at caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com we would love to hear from you.


It was a thrill to work with the Caledon Agricultural Society last year while we ran the Caledon Village Market. We look forward to supporting the Ag Society in their future endeavors and encourage everyone who is looking for ways to support our community to consider joining the Agricultural Society. Reach out at caledonfair.ca/contact for more information.


We do regret at this time to announce that we will not be hosting the market again this year. Despite the amazing supportive vendors, the support the area just wasn’t there and it isn’t fair to ask vendors to come out each week with such poor sales. If we ever find a safer location, we will most certainly try again.

Snow removal. Something we all contend with but some get more than others. After many emails, the Town of Caledon will hopefully be moving the snow on Hwy 10, especially the east side more often. If you would like more information about this, please feel free to reach out.  


Noise/Air/Salt/Tires = Pollution  There will be more information coming on how we would like to address all these elements in the near future.


Safety on our roads. A topic that covers the Province of Ontario, the Region of Peel and the Town of Caledon. While we understand there are conversations being had regarding safety most notably on Hwy 10, we don’t know what is being said, something we hope will change in the near future. We have all seen, heard or know of the recent incidents and before you know it, tourists will again be adding to the traffic volume.


It was great to see Mr. Ian Sinclair at our February meeting and he raised a good question. “Do you feel safe walking in the village”? This generated a great conversation, one we would like to involve more residents in. We could be looking to do a survey, but we would like your input! Please feel free to attend out next meeting on Thursday March 9th 7:30 at the Old Townhall aka our awesome theatre, downstairs. (18365 Hurontario St, Caledon Village, ON L7K 0X7)


For those following the Townhouse project. There was a confidential discussion at the Town of Caledon today, hopefully some of that conversation will be made available to concerned residents. We still have the OLT meeting April 3rd 2023.


There is fun to be had with the Caledon Lions Club this weekend, Saturday March 4th 1pm at the Alton Legion (1267 Queen St W, Alton, ON L7K 0C4)


We invite all those that are interested to come to our monthly meeting, we would love to hear from you.

you cannot attend, please reach out at;




We are also on Social Media:






                           #WeAreCaledonVillage  #SupportLocal




Caledon Village Association President






CVA News Letter March 2020


Good afternoon everyone !


Here it is Saturday and it's gorgeous out there ! The weather has me thinking of trees and how add  some here at home. If anyone is thinking the same way here is some help   https://www.caledon.ca/en/townhall/tree-seedling-program.asp


The Climate Change Workshop held last night at Caledon Village Place created some great conversation. Many thanks to those that attended and a special thank you to Sabrina Valleau ! A community advocate and member of the Climate Change Action Plan Task Force.


Last Monday found us at a meeting in Caledon Village regarding Tourism. Many resourceful ideas. It was great to see so many local business representatives present. We are hopeful that buying local increases in popularity !


Later that day found CVA at the table with staff and Council members to discuss Caledon  Village. There are many personal stories in our village and sadly many of them are not good news. Excessive salt from the Hwy 10 expansion finding its way into wells, excessive noise due to the increase of heavy traffic creating near impossible sleeping conditions. The personal issues are not always heard but back in 2015 Caledon Village residents raised their concerns at a meeting with the Town. Results of that meeting were compiled and have since turned into the Six Villages Project. https://www.caledon.ca/en/business/resources/SixVillagesCIP/2016/Six-Villages-CIP-Final.pdf

I encourage everyone to take a look at this.

Part of the Six Villages project states:


"Caledon Village is a safe, pedestrian friendly and well connected community. The Village offers a range of different services and commercial uses, which serve the travelling public as well as local residents. The needs of pedestrians are balanced with the needs of vehicular traffic"


I don't think anyone who lives here thinks that statement is accurate, and that sentiment was expressed at the meeting. I would like to thank Mr. Rob Hughes from the Town of Caledon for offering to put us in touch with Sylvia Kirkwood and be able to be part of the Official Plan process as it pertains to Caledon Village. 


Did you all receive the notice in the mail from CBM Aggregates ? If not and you would like a copy please email us at caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com or go to our Facebook Page, Caledon Village Association 2.0 there is a post on that page regarding the notice. Why is CBM's proposal important to Caledon Village ? Well, it won't be far away when its location is  Charleston and Regional Rd 136 (the Esso Stn and Mamma's Shack) therefore you know that means more heavy vehicles on our roads. I am no blasting expert but the possibility of feeling the blasting from the village seems very real. What will this do to the immediate area ? Cataract is a lovely spot, it will be decimated if the project gets approval. Lets not forget that this will go below the water table. There is no application at this time, however the Town of Caledon has not in recent history denied such an application. There are always two sides to every story and if this one has your attention then please attend the Public Information Session Wednesday March 25th 2020 at the Alton Legion Hall, Branch 449 1267 Queen St W  It is a drop in format from 7pm to 9 pm, bring your questions.


On a lighter note ! Plans for the Caledon Village Bicentennial are gaining motion ! Please put Saturday Sept 26th in your phone's or on your calendar ! There will be lots of activities for the kids, lots of history to be seen and a reason for our Village to come together and celebrate ! If you have suggestions or questions we would love to hear them. Please come out if possible to our meeting Tues March 10th 7pm at the Old Caledon Township Hall   Interesting tidbit regarding the Township Hall  https://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=15541


As always, if you do not wish to receive these letters, please let us know we will take you off the contact list.


Hope to see you Tuesday, if not, please remember to contact Sylvia Jones MPP to remind her that the Community Safety Zone needs to be implemented sooner rather than later. sylvia.jonesqp@pc.ola.org   



Enjoy the weather, spring is coming !






CVA News Letter Feb. 2020


Good afternoon everyone 


It may not be sunny but it sure is warmer, in fact almost all the snow has melted off the driveway !


As most of you know, Caledon Village has a Bi Centennial this year. 200 years of history to be celebrated. Tomorrow at 7 pm the initial portion of the CVA meeting will be all about the celebrations. Community groups in the area have been invited to attend as we move forward in the planning. CVA is part of the celebrations but we are in no way the only group ! This is all about community. Please feel free to come and join us, the planning committee needs to hear from you. I have already received some ideas, please keep them coming.


Other things going on in or nearby Caledon Village :


The Erin pit application/expansion, in order to make sure I have this right, the following is a copy/paste from the Belfountain Community Organization

"The Erin Pit Expansion Zoning By-law amendment application is for lands of 309 acres stretching from Winston Churchill Blvd. to Shaws Creek Rd., south of the Elora-Cataract Trailway to the north side of the West Credit River. 

A staff report (report number 2020-0016) pertaining to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit the “Erin Pit Expansion – Caledon Side” gravel pit (Town File: RZ 17-02) is being brought forward to a Planning and Development Committee meeting, which siwill be held at Council Chambers, Town Hall on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, starting at 7 p.m..  It is a public meeting.

A copy of the agenda and staff report is available on the Town of Caledon website at: https://www.caledon.ca/en/Calendar/Meetings/Default.aspx?_mid_=21613.

The recommendations of the Committee will then be considered for adoption at the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

For more information on the proposed gravel pit, please visit the Town of Caledon website at: https://www.caledon.ca/en/townhall/aggregates-erin-pit.asp."

 While the CVA encourages people to attend our meetings, the above mentioned, for all who want to hear what is happening is a must do. Sad to say but there is another must do next month as well.

An "informal" public meeting at the Alton Legion Hall 6 - 9 pm on March 25th regarding the potential 400 acre quarry that St. Mary's Cement is proposing. When the official invitation comes out it will be distributed. 

As we know, there is a Northwest Caledon Rec reserve fund. There was a question asked on Facebook about what could be done with $500,000 as it turns out I was off by a few thousand dollars. As of this year and including interest there is $905,705  The next question is .... what is the intended use ? Is it for a recreational centre ? A pool would be nice as I believe this fund was started when the old pool was demolished. Questions that need to be asked. Anyone interested with finding out more is most welcome to do so, we can always use help !

The following statement was made in the Six Villages Plan:


"Caledon Village is a safe, pedestrian-friendly and well-connected community. The Village offers a range of different services and commercial uses, which serve the travelling public as well as local residents. The needs of pedestrians are balanced with the needs of vehicular traffic."


On a personal level I have an issue with that statement. Rather than go through everything in this letter, I strongly encourage you to read through the document, draw your own conclusions and if you would like to be part of a group to discuss with the Town of Caledon as to where we are, or for the most part where we are not with these plans, please send us an email caledonvillageassociation@gmail.com


Communication is key ! There is information out there and depending on what you are looking for maybe we can work together. 


As always, if you no longer wish to receive these newsletters, we understand, just please send us an email and we will remove you from the contact list.




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