Monday March 25th
To be attached as correspondence to the Memorandum 12.1.3 as listed on the agenda for the Council Meeting of March 26th 2024
In the 2018 Official Plan, the Town states they shall promote monitoring of individual and cumulative effects of the transportation system on ecosystems, including the effects of salts and toxic residues. Item
Question: Did the Town promote monitoring or did they actually do it? Given the proximity of residents to Hwy 10 traffic, heavy trucks, salt, air particulate from various sources including aggregate.
As stated in the 2018 OP “ The identification of roads upon which haul routes shall be located in Section shall be reviewed and updated as necessary by the Town of Caledon. As part of this review, the Town of Caledon will work with adjacent municipalities and the Region of Peel to minimize impacts from traffic from outside of the Town of Caledon.”
Question: Did the Town in fact review haul routes? Since 2018 did the impact of increased traffic including heavy vehicles become clear enough that discussions were held with adjacent municipalities and the Region? Or was Caledon Village ignored?
As stated in the 2018 OP “ Generally, any improvements required to a public road due to a new or expanded pit or quarry shall not be at public expense.”
Question: Did the Town of Caledon at anytime enter into discussion with the aggregate industry, OSSGA or the Province about the abysmal aggregate tax levy? If not, then how are road improvements not on the backs of residents?
In the proposed 2024 Official Plan it is stated that:
“The Town also recognizes the dominant role that trucks play in the movement of goods and supporting the local and regional economy. The Town will continue to work with the Region, the Province and neighbouring municipalities to plan and implement a strategic goods movement network that minimizes impacts on Caledon’s roads, residential neighbourhoods and financial resources”. This statement would lead residents to believe that, as stated in the 2018 OP that indeed there was some kind of discussion.
Question: What is the goods movement network? Where is it?
The 2024 OP states that “develop a transportation system that minimizes the impact of heavy truck and commuter traffic on residential areas”
Question: Where?
As stated in the 2024 OP 11.6.4 The Highway 413 Transportation Corridor, as shown on Schedule C1, Town-wide Transportation Network, is recognized as a key trucking and goods movement route supporting planned employment lands within southern Caledon and providing connectivity to the Provincial highway system. The Town will encourage the Province to undertake highway improvements in a timely fashion, particularly the implementation of the Highway 413 Transportation Corridor.
Question: From the point of view of Caledon Village, any major Hwy construction increases the need of local resources thus condemning Caledon Village to even more heavy haulers, thus increasing air pollution, noise pollution and the possibility of more death on Hwy 10. How does the Town of Caledon condone increased health dangers with goods movement? How does the 2024 OP help residents of Caledon reduce the dangers? Is that in the OP?
As stated in the 2024 OP “11.9.1 Railways operate under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada to provide freight and passenger rail service. The Town recognizes the importance of rail infrastructure for its role in supporting long-term economic growth and regional connectivity”
Question: Does the Town via the OP really recognize the importance of rail infrastructure? Has the Town reached out to the Federal Government to see how connectivity could be reinstated instead of selling off rail trail lands?
As stated in the 2024 OP “Salt management plans will set out mitigation measures to minimize and reduce the use of salt including but not limited to the design of parking lots, roadways and sidewalks to avoid ponding of water, and directing stormwater discharge outside of vulnerable area where possible”
Question: Since the widening of Hwy 10 to four lanes, there has been a significant increase in the amount of salt that is used, that has been plowed off the Hwy onto the sidewalk then plowed again onto private land that is well below grade thus running off on to the property and in some instances into private wells. Will the Town of Caledon address that for residents in Caledon Village?
As stated in the 2024 OP “protect the Town's Prime Agricultural Area from fragmentation, development and non-agricultural land uses, including site alteration and fill activities that are not consistent with normal farming practices, and which distort the natural landform character of the agricultural area”
Question: Is this a serious statement? Given the leap frogging of spawl development and in the case of Caledon Village fragmented aggregate, how does the Town really plan to protect Prime Agricultural?
As stated in the 2024 OP “Specific Village and Hamlet Policies i) In addition to the applicable policies of the Growth Plan and this Plan, Belfountain, Cataract, Cheltenham, Inglewood, Mono Mills and Terra Cotta are designated as Minor Urban Centres as shown on Schedules B3b Land Use Designations, Niagara Escarpment Plan and any proposed expansion of these Minor Urban Centres will occur in accordance with the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act”.
Question: I do not see where Alton and Caledon Village are designated, what is their designation?
In conclusion, looking at the previous OP and attempting to compare to the proposed OP, it is my conclusion that there are a lot of oxymorons, inconsistency and lack of understanding to what is really happening in Caledon. Given that I live in Caledon Village, this conclusion is based on the fact that I have been told that there will be some kind of study done in our village to improve the esthetics. If I may be so bold, esthetics is one thing, creating a safe environment is of far more importance and to this date, we have been overlooked and there isn’t much in this OP that would say that you have our health and safety on the front burner. Residents have identified such concerns as having a Pedestrian plan, the need to replace the pool (not necessarily in the centre of the Village) but make it an Aquatic rehabilitation Centre, for institutional use, hospital therapies, design the programs for water safety for children and seniors health. Decisions do come after consultation, either with the Region, the Province or even the Federal Govt, but at this point any previous discussions with residents of Caledon Village have indeed been ignored. I would suggest that status change.
Caledon Village looks forward to discussing its future with Town of Caledon Council, staff, the Region of Peel, The Provincial Government and other resources that can appreciate what we are faced with.
Kate Hepworth
President Caledon Village Association
Caledon Village Association
Minutes of Meeting
February 8, 2024
Time: 7:42 p.m.
Location: Old Caledon Township Hall (Caledon Townhall Theatre)
Present: Kate Hepworth, Mauro Testani, Karen Sanger.
Community members: Errol Munn, Paul Randhawa, Jaz Chahil and Jasmine Randhawa
Guest: Alyson Monery, Town of Caledon
Opening Remarks and Welcome – K. Hepworth
Business Pending
New Business
Meeting Adjourned: 9:10 p.m.
Next Meeting: March 14 2024
Caledon Village Association
Meeting Agenda
February 8, 2024
Update on Outstanding Business
New Business
Next Meeting – March 14, 2024 Caledon Townhall
Caledon Village Association
Minutes of Meeting
September 14, 2023
Call to Order 7:40 p.m. Caledon Townhall Players, Caledon Village
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Jackie Flynn, Fay McCrea, Emily Trazska, Judy Lewis, Fiorina Neher. Karen Sanger
Community Members: Bill Stubbs, Mauro Testani, Errol Munn
Guests: Alyson Monery Town of Caledon
Motion was made to accept the minutes from the July 13, 2023 meeting. Fay McCrea, Judy Lewis seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Bank balance stands at $11,271.40
Business Arising from the Minutes
Business Pending
New Business
Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade
Allison Monery reported the following:
Lion’s Club will take care of the Nativity Display and the Santa’s Mailbox. Maybe Thomas the Train float- F. Neher will look into the cost of insurance.
Fire Department has been contacted – K. Sanger
Silent Auction, James Dick Fire truck and Santa– F. McCrea
O.P.P. have been contacted
A.Monery will contact the Town Crier to ensure his attendance.
Magician has been arranged.
Need to contact the student M/C from last year
Fiorina Neher Report
It was discussed that instead of doing the Children’s Auction, we move to loot bags instead and every child can walk away with a swag bag.
No Food drive, No toy drive.
Tentative Timeline
4:45 Caledon Central
5:00 Parade – Done 5:20
5:30 Town Crier
5:45 Children’s Choir
6:00 Countdown to tree lighting
6:15 Magician
7:20 Silent Auction
7:25 SA Closes
7:30 End and leave with loot bag
Meeting Adjourned 10:10 p.m.
Next Meeting October 12, 2023 7:30pm Townhall Players
To be Confirmed January 6, 2024 Get Together
**************************************************************************************************************** June 9, 2023
Caledon Village Association
Minutes of Informal Townhall Meeting
May 10, 2023
Caledon Village Place, Caledon Village
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Karen Sanger, Fay McCrea, Barney Becket, Judy Lewis
Community Members: Tammy Limebeer, David Cunningham (Lion’s Club), Bill Stubbs, Mauro Testani, Liz Attfield, Ian Sinclair, Ed Taccone (Agricultural Society), Rob Rees, Debra Goodell
Regrets: Fiorina Neher, Jackie Flynn, and Emily Trazska
Guests: Jason Schildroth Town of Caledon
19:30 Kate welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Jason Schildroth presentation on “Report a Problem.”
David Cunningham from Caledon Lion’s Club
Ed Taccone (Agricultural Society)
Pending any extra meetings required, the next CVA meeting will be downstairs at the theatre, 7:30pm June 8th.
Meeting Adjourned 9:00 p.m.
Caledon Village Association
Minutes of Meeting
April 13, 2023
Call to Order 7:34 p.m. Caledon Townhall Players, Caledon Village
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Jackie Flynn, Fay McCrea, Emily Trazska, Barney Becket, Judy Lewis
Community Members: Tammy Limebeer, David Cunningham (Lion’s Club), Bill Stubbs, Mauro Testani, Liz Attfield
Regrets: Fiorina Neher, Karen Sanger
Guests: Alyson Monery Town of Caledon
Motion was made to accept the minutes from the March 9, 2023 meeting. Fay McCrea, Judy Lewis seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Bank balance stands at $11,629.61
Business Arising from the Minutes
Business Pending
New Business
Meeting Adjourned 9:45 p.m.
March 9, 2023, AT 19:30 P.M
ATTENDANCE: Kate Hepworth, Judy Lewis, Fay McCrea, Emily Trzaska, Karen Sanger, Barney Becket.
Community members: Bill Stubbs, Karen & Blake Ridler and Ian Sinclair, Fiona, Danette and Dianna (from Fiona’s Restaurant with a presentation).
Guest: Alyson Monery & Jason Schildroth from Town of Caledon.
Regrets: Fiorina Neher, Jackie Flynn & Mauro Testani.
19:30 Kate welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Fay McCrea and Judy Lewis approved Feb 9, 2023, minutes.
Treasurer’s update –(Kate): CVA presently has a bank balance of $11,941.33, same as last month.
Jason Schildroth:
Alyson Monery:
Jason & Alyson: left @ 20:20
CVA Community Issues:
Kate Hepworth:
Bill Stubbs:
Karen & Blake Ridler:
General Talk:
Ian Sinclair:
Meeting adjourned at 22:00.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday April 13th, 2023, 19:30 (7:30) pm. Downstairs at the theatre.
February 9, 2023, AT 19:30 P.M
ATTENDANCE: Kate Hepworth, Judy Lewis, Fay McCrea, Emily Trazska, Mauro Testani, Karen Sanger.
Community members: Jennifer Paschalis, Mike Milne and Ian Sinclair.
Guest: Alyson Monery from Town of Caledon.
Regrets: Fiorina Neher and Jackie Flynn & Bill Stubbs.
19:35 Kate welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Fay McCrea and Judy Lewis approved Jan 12, 2023, minutes.
Alyson Monery:
Reiterated that if we need anything she is “our go to person”.
Encouraged all of our community to participate in the Town of Caledon’s online survey that runs until Feb 15, 2023, “Have your say Caledon”. Kate has already put it on Caledon 2.0 page but will repost.
Alyson will locate all Caledon Village banners and return them to us no matter what condition they are in.
Fay McCrea:
Requested to know if we had anything to contribute to “In The Hills” magazine? Currently council does not have any updates for the magazine.
Treasurer’s report –(Kate): CVA presently has a bank balance of $11,941.33.
CVA Community Issues:
Discussion was had as to the ongoing concerns of Mr. Bill Stubbs snow removal. Ian Sinclair reported that there is to be an upcoming meeting that Kate Hepworth will be involved with as to Town of Caledon snow removal plans for Caledon Village. Mr. Sinclair also commented on the need to question The Town of Caledon on their “level of service” for our village. CVA is going to be more pro-active with concerns to snow, salt contamination etc. on west side of Hwy 10.
Jennifer Paschalis:
Concerns as to the ongoing additions to the communication tower on Ag Society grounds, would like to know if tree planting could take place as many trees have been cut down. The communication tower locations are determined by communication companies and landlords. Jennifer is going to attend an Ag Society meeting to continue her conversation. CVA will follow up in the coming weeks.
Mike Milne:
Have we considered having a grocery store in the village? As a new resident he feels it would be an asset to the community. Would speed cameras or flashing speed signs help with speeding traffic through the village?
Ian Sinclair:
Poses the question “Do you feel safe walking the streets of Caledon Village”?
He suggested we do a survey and “take on our pedestrian system” as an issue that we all face. Do a survey then head towards a Town Hall or Coffee with Councillor’s meeting where all residents could attend and submit or post on a large scale map their areas of concern in the village i.e. Condition of sidewalks, street lighting, safe road crossings and traffic speed.
This was received very well by all and will be taken up in more thorough CVA discussions. We talked about first creating our own “Village Revitalization” survey and move forward from that point.
Mauro Testani:
Reminders from Mauro as to Lions Club events:
March 4 Meat Roll at the Alton Legion and April 4 Seniors Dinner.
Kate Hepworth:
Should we think about having a Caledon Village Birthday celebration every year in the summer?
We will see what banners Alyson finds and then go from there and decide if we need some new ones and if we would have a contest for designs.
Christmas Tree lighting is Dec 2, 2023, the first Saturday in December.
Meeting adjourned at 21:50.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday March 9th, 2023, 19:30 (7:30) pm. Downstairs at the theatre
JANUARY 12, 2023 AT 7:30 P.M
ATTENDANCE: Barney Beckett, Kate Hepworth, Judy Lewis, Fiorina Neher, Bill Stubbs, Fay McCrea, John Rutter, Paul Krska, Raymond Wand, Ed Taccone, Jackie Flynn, and guest: Emily Quinton from Economic Development Town of Caledon
Regrets: Emily Trzaska, Mauro Testani, Karen Sanger, Yves deLisle, Kalon Young, Jason Schildroth
Kate welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Fiorina and Fay approved Dec 08 minutes
Tree and Snowflake Lighting update:
Emily Quinton has confirmed that we can get in touch with her, Jason Schildroth and the Town of Caledon Forestry Dept. at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct to re-light the tree and confirm we do not have bald spots. Emily Quinton has informed us that the town is going with a third party contractor (Montgomery) that will be putting up and taking down the snow flakes and banners. They will eventually remove our snowflakes and purchase or rent their own set of snowflakes or wreaths to make all the villages throughout Caledon look similar. Our snowflakes will be taken down in March, they will go up in Nov. We have also been informed that our heritage banners are in rough shape. Waiting for councillors to approve a budget (Feb) then Emily Quinton and Jason Schildroth need to talk to the Region regarding hardware, and then we can have a meeting to discuss what we prefer to have on the poles. Kate will ask residents for their input on what they would like to see on the posts.
Treasurer’s report –(Jackie): CVA presently has a bank balance of $12,816.33. One issued cheque is still to be deposited by the recipient, confirmation was received before adjournment that this will be taken care of this week.
CVA Community Issues:
Residents who attend the CVA meetings. Here are the issues:
Raeburn Corner and sides of the roads near the sidewalk are a mess, garbage everywhere.
Orangeville Banner, Citizen paper and the Enterprise are littered at peoples driveways - it was mentioned to pick up your paper or to call in to cancel but residents want something more strict.
It was suggested that someone (residents) to get in touch with an environmental group to help fight against salt and brine.
We regret to inform Ed Taccone that there will not be any representation of CVA at his AGM Meeting this Sat, Jan 14. Their next meeting is Sunday, Feb 12 (instead of Monday to be safer during the winter months) We do however encourage residents to consider joining the Caledon Agricultural Society.
Bill has informed us he had a stroke, he brings up concerns regarding snow removal (lack thereof) near his property, the town needs to properly remove snow, the use of pesticides, and exhaust fumes that he can see has killed grass and tress along Hurontario.
Can CVA compose or contact someone for a complaint? Kate will compose a letter, but will share with members prior to sending.
Residents would like to have Mayor Annette Groves attend a meeting to have questions answered.
James Dick - aggregate has mentioned in the past that they have reports related to air pollution that are public knowledge, CVA would attempt to gain access to those site reports.
Caledon Agricultural Society has informed us that the bull run area on the fairgrounds is being removed. CVA has asked to replace it with a pollinator garden. CAS wants to add parking once the bull run area is tidied up.Locations for a pollinator garden can be discussed at a later date with CAS. Create a community get together to help CAS remove the old bull run, or other areas Ed Taccone did mention that he has an offer of help to remove the bull run area, however, many hands make light work. Ed also added CAS would like to add a dog run (leash free fenced in area). They are moving forward for a new building where the office trailer is, they will have drawings and site plans complete (not sure when)
Kate to send proposals for possible fundraising ideas for the new building that CVA can help with.
Meeting adjourned at 21:19 (9:19) p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday February 9th 2023 19:30 (7:30) pm. Downstairs at the theatre
Date: December 8, 2022
Start Time: 7:35 pm
Location: Old Caledon Township Hall
Present Members |
Absent members |
Kate Hepworth |
Fay McCrea |
Fiorina Neher |
Yves deLisle |
Karen Sanger |
Emily Trzaska |
Barney Beckett |
Mauro Testani |
Jackie Flynn |
Judy Lewis |
Town of Caledon: Jason Schildroth & Emily Quinton |
Board Meeting Minutes
Agenda |
Discussion |
Conclusion |
Responsibility |
Call to order |
Kate Hepworth |
Review and approval of previous minutes |
AGM minutes reviewed |
All present in agreement with previous minutes. |
Move to adopt: Judy Lewis- first Emily Trzaska - second |
Treasurer’s report |
Reviewed report |
All present in agreement with report. |
Jackie Flynn Move to adopt: Judy Lewis- first Fay McCrea - second |
Tree Lighting |
Next year we need name tag to identify CVA members |
Fay has name tag covers; she will provide them. Emily will design |
Fay McCrea Emily Trzaska |
Buy more bowls or cup for chili next year |
Make sure all are eco friendly |
Antique truck driver donation do we need to do this? |
Find out for next year if he is paid by James Dick if he is not, then give the driver a donation |
Tighten up timing for next year |
Magician was too long, look into another entertainer. Move children’s choir to west side of area. Contact Mayfield and Robert F Hall for bands to play. Rethink the schedule Talk to Optimists regarding their raffle and when it is best to do it |
Talk to Sue from Optimists |
Parking |
We need pylons at parking lot entrance |
Ask Town of Caledon |
Donation jar, do we wany one? |
Yes, we should get a locked money box to have out at all events for donations, with a CVA label |
Car Parade |
Was a great success. Next year we will promote it more on social media and flyers at school in order to have more participants. Be aware of limitations on number of vehicles look into limits re permits etc. |
Best decorated car award |
Implement this for next years parade |
Best decorated Caledon Village house award |
To be decided for next year’s festivities |
Book same Santa for next year |
He is very good we will book him early |
Start planning next year’s parade in September |
It was a rush this year due to Bicentennial prep in September |
Toy and food drive |
See what Caledon Community Services are doing and promote that |
Set date for next years Parade |
Saturday December 2, 2023 Time to be determined |
New Business |
Caledon Central School donation |
$500.00 to be presented to school. Who can attend one day next week |
Hope money can go towards breakfast club. Kate, Karen and Emily will try to attend |
Kate Hepworth |
Caledon Agricultural Society donation |
$1,000.00 to be donated on Monday Dec 12, 19:15 hrs. at CAS meeting |
Kate, Fay and Karen can attend. Can we get a large fake cheque for things like this? |
Kate Hepworth to reply Karen Sanger re cheque |
Caledon Agricultural Society Invitation |
CVA has been invited to send 2 representatives to their AGM on Jan 14 |
Kate and Jackie can attend |
Kate Hepworth Jackie Flynn |
Winter Skate Day |
New idea, skate with a firefighter, OPP or teacher |
Winter fun day in February, pay for coffee, hot chocolate, talk to Jen Johnson re rink, talk to Town of Caledon, insurance, food truck |
Karen Sanger |
Board members |
Sign Resolution papers |
Kate Hepworth Karen Sanger Jackie Flynn |
New Mission Statement and Purpose |
New Mission Statement and Purpose were reviewed by all present |
All approved new wording. To be added to website by Emily |
Emily Trzaska |
Look into banking fees |
Our banking fees are quite high |
Look into other financial institutions to see what they offer as to reducing our monthly banking fees. |
Jackie Flynn |
Meeting adjourned at: 9:10 pm |
Submitted by: Karen Sanger
Date: Dec 11, 2022
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2022 AT 7:30 P.M.
at Old Caledon Township Hall
ATTENDANCE: Barney Beckett, Kate Hepworth, Karen Sanger, Judy Lewis, Fiorina Neher, Bill Stubbs, Yves deLisle, Kalon Young, Mauro Testani, Fay McCrea
Regrets: Emily Trzaska
Fay welcomed everyone to the meeting. Barney introduced Kalon Young, who has agreed to be our new emcee. He resides in Brampton and attends Mayfield Secondary School, and is in the arts and broadcasting field. He has already got prices from Long and McQuaid for the sound system, which will be battery operated. He will pick it up at his convenience, set it up and then will be making announcements in his vehicle in the parade so the battery system will be great. The CVA will provide him with $50 cheque for his mileage and we will also give him volunteer hours and if he has some friends who can come and help, we will do the same for them.
1. Update on Townhouse proposal from Kate
It has gone to the OLT and will be heard April 3, 2023. CVA has participant status. It is estimated the hearing will be one week and will be on line.
2. Treasurer’s report – Kate (for Jackie): Jackie provided a complete report with a breakdown of Market and Bicentennial expenses. CVA presently has a bank balance of $13,093.92. After some discussion, Judy Lewis moved approval of the report, seconded by Yves deLisle. Carried.
3) CVA Community Issues we are dealing with: Aggregate, Traffic and Safety – are there other community issues CVA “should” be involved with?
We understand people are not happy with the 4 new homes on former Raeburn property and are not happy with smaller houses being demolished and being replaced with huge homes but neither of these fall under our jurisdiction. All we can do is direct people to the right sources to report their issues.
Kate stated that the future of Caledon Village is unknown at this time.
4) Market – suggestions. Do we continue next year, do we start later in the season and end earlier, do we have a market once a month or do we choose another fundraising event?
Discussions followed regarding the pros and cons of the market and even though it was our first year, it was not that successful and local residents did not support it and unfortunately CVA reputation was tarnished.
Karen shared her ideas for community events being held on the fairgrounds next year. One was a Beer Festival featuring local breweries. Kate said we would have to check with the Town to see if they are still holding Cheers Caledon, but perhaps we could work with them? Another idea was Battle of the Bands and Movie Nights or even a Blood Donor clinic. These events could occur mid to late August on Saturdays. We could use our money to put on events for the community. Fiorina suggested we start to plan these events in January, especially if permits are required as they take time.
5) Website: Yves had done a great job in the past and he said he will continue to do some things. Kate reported that Emily will take on the website updates. Thank you, Emily.
6) Donations:
(i) We had discussed making a donation to the Caledon Agricultural Society for the use of their land for both the market and Bicentennial and for the help of Ed Taccone and Stan Dacres. They put a lot of time and effort into helping us. It was agreed that we make a donation of $1,000 to the C.A.S.
(ii) The other plan was to make a donation to Caledon Central School. We were thinking of the music department but Mauro said they don’t really like donations for specific departments but would probably welcome a donation for the upgrade of the playground equipment. It was suggested a $500 donation be made.
(iii) Don, the antique fire truck driver who will take Santa in the parade and bring him to the parkette. It was suggested a cheque for $50.
7) By-laws: These need to be updated, including setting of regular dates for monthly meetings and AGM’s. It was agreed that the 2nd Thursday in the month works for most people and the AGM should be in October and the date was set for October 12, 2023.
8) Tree Lighting update:
Bowls and spoons for chilli – Fay will purchase
Sharon Lambert will advise the cost of chili after she shops for ingredients
Optimists are providing hot dogs and hot cider, same amount as last year.
Sue has tickets left over for their raffle for the kids.
Fay would like the Silent Auction Items ASAP
Need a volunteer to hand out the children’s raffle tickets and stamp their hand. Karen volunteered and Fay will help her. Fay has 150 green and 250 red tickets and the hand stamp so this should speed up things. Judy has purchased 24 items.
Help with set up for raffle and silent auction – Yves offered to help.
Help to close the auction.
Lions and Optimists will set up tents and tables for food.
Fay has sufficient table cloths for auction tables.
Alyson suggests TOYS to Family Transition Place, Orangeville and FOOD to CCS.
Elections: Fay McCrea
We are open to nominations for the following positions:
President: Fiorina nominated Kate Hepworth* as President. Seconded by Judy Lewis. Are there any other nominations for this position? Seeing none, Kate agreed to be our president.
*Kate stepped back as president during the election but agreed to stand for election at this AGM
Vice President: After some discussion Judy nominated Karen Sanger to this position for one year. Seconded by Mauro Testani. Congratulations Karen.
Secretary: Fay McCrea was nominated to remain in this position, but she declined.
Judy nominated Fiorina, seconded by Yves deLisle. We do understand that Fiorina is very busy and if she is not available for a meeting, somebody else will have to take minutes.
Treasurer: Jackie Flynn has agreed to continue in this position.
Residents who attend the CVA meetings regularly will be CVA members.
Meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.
Minutes of Meeting
Caledon Village Association
July 21, 2022
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Judy Lewis, Jackie Flynn, Karen Sanger, Fiorina Neher
Alyson Monery, Jason Schildroth Town of Caledon, Fay McCrea (8:15)
Absent: Barney Beckett, EmilyTrzaska, Susan Montgomery, Mauro Testani, Yves Delisle
Meeting called to order 7:30
Alyson spoke extensively on the Caledon Tree Lighting and Parade December 3, 2022. Gave us useful information on securing permits for Regional, Town and Provincial roads and the cost of each. She will be instrumental with filling out the paperwork, securing insurance and suggested that there be no walkers in the parade.
Fiorina is going to take Alison up on her offer to get this project started to get us in early with all the groups required to make this a go.
Jason spoke extensively about the Tree Lighting and the fact that the tree is on Town property and continues to grow. He stated that the lights on the tree are the responsibility of the CVA but he may be able to help we just need to contact him if a problem arises.
SNOWFLAKES – will be stored and cared for by the Town of Caledon. They will use our current flakes until they need to be replaced and the Town will replace them. They will also put up and take down as they will do with any banners that the CVA would like to have up or replaced. Under no circumstances do we replace the bulbs in the snowflakes that is a Town responsibility.
Jason will be sending the CVA a Letter of Understanding putting this in writing for future reference.
He also spoke the new app available a site to report any issues in your area directly to the Service Caledon Team for correction or maintenance.
BICENTENNIAL September 24, 2022
Faye was in attendance and she connected with Alyson and spoke on various items that the Town can provide to help support the Bicentennial and help curtail some of the cost to the CVA. Faye will be working with Alyson asap to get some of the details ironed out.
The Caledon Village Association would like to thank Jason Schildroth and Alyson Monery for the positivity and wealth of information they shared. We look forward to a great working relationship!
Meeting Adjourned 9:15 p.m.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Call to order and welcome by Kate
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS – Saturday, Sept. 26th 9 – 4 p.m. Caledon Fairgrounds.
Kate introduced everybody in attendance.
Fay reported not too much to report. Waiting to hear from each group regarding their commitment and support.
a) Caledon Lions Club - possible BBQ?
b) Caledon Optimists – games for youth, tattoos + insurance
c) Knox Church – possibly home made pies?
d) Caledon Agricultural Society – pancakes – all day?
e) Caledon Townhall Players – old fashioned tea room at CVP??
f) Caledon Tennis Club - possible tennis tournament?
g) Scouts – Fay suggested to Scott Beaver regarding the possibility of the scouts helping the Optimists organize games for the young people.
h) Fire Department – Kate ?
i) OPP officers - Susan?
j) Girl Guides – David offered to get a contact for this group
k) Robert F. Hall Secondary School Mauro has been in touch with this school and they do have a band available to provide entertainment.
the art students will paint a Bicentennial sign to be installed at the entrance to the fairgrounds. Cost of materials will be reimbursed.
Present sign – Fay and Kate looked into the present sign to ensure it was legal.
l) Mayfield Secondary School - Josh offered to contact Mayfield for a band and/or art work
m) Caledon Central: Fay contact the principal requesting posters created from their imagination how things looked 200 years ago? Either individually or a group to make a large banner for the front of the exhibit hall.
n) First Aid Services: Susan said the Optimists have used Medway First Aid at their events. No confirmation of this
o) Bicentennial logo creation. Kate and Fay met with Peter Smits who designed the logo for Mono Mills Bicentennial and he is offering to help us out.
p) Map of Caledon Village with owners from 1920? Bill
q) Sound system for entertainment and announcements
Any other ideas or commitments?
Bicentennial meeting adjourned.
Caledon Village Association Meeting, immediately following the Bicentennial discussions.
1. Approval of the agenda.
2. Business arising from the February 11th meeting
2.1 Community safety zone – no further information
2.2 Six Villages – Fay and Kate met with Town staff and our two councillors
on Monday, March 2nd to get an update on this project. – Kate
2.3 Recreation Fund – any more information?
2.4 Peter will try to create a logo for the CVA as well as the bicentennial. They may be similar.
2.5 Snow pile on George and McFaul. Kate said she checked and some of the snow was removed on the Friday of the big storm.
New Business:
3. Tourism Meeting held in Caledon Village Place on Monday, March 2. Kate
4. Next meeting will be April 14
5. Adjournment.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Call to order and welcome by Kate at 7 p.m.
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Colin Lewis, Yves deLisle, Fay McCrea. Mauro Testani, Peter Robertson, Bill Stubbs, Joshua Russell, David Cunningham (Lions Club), Susan Montgomery and Wayne ? (Caledon Optimists)
Regrets: Barney Beckett, Councillors Ian Sinclair and Lynn Kiernan, Rev. Emma Pipes, David Irvine, Jackie Flynn, Judy Lewis
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS – Saturday, Sept. 26th 9 – 4 p.m. Caledon Fairgrounds.
Kate introduced everybody in attendance.
Fay reported on what has happened to date:
a) Contact with Caledon Lions re possible BBQ
b) Caledon Optimists – games for youth, tattoos + insurance
c) Knox church – possibly home made pies
d) Caledon Agricultural Society – pancakes – all day?
e) Caledon Townhall Players – old fashioned tea room at CVP??
f) Caledon Tennis Club - possibly tennis tournament
g) Scouts – Fay has contacted Scott Beaver who will discuss at their next meeting. Good suggestion was helping the Optimists organizing games.
Others to be contacted:
Fire Department – Susan offered to contact them
OPP officers - Susan offered to contact them
Girl Guides – David offered to get a contact for this group
High Schools - Mauro offered to contact Robert F. Hall regarding a band Also, if the art students would like to create a sign for the entrance to the fairgrounds.
Josh offered to contact Mayfield for a band and/or art work
Caledon Central: Fay contact the principal requesting posters created from their imagination how things looked 200 years ago? Either individually or a group to make a large banner for the front of the exhibit hall.
All students can get their volunteer hours for volunteering their services.
First Aid Services: Susan said the Optimists have used Medway First Aid at their events. They are volunteers who are working towards being paramedics or nurses and are very good and they have lots of volunteers and they are dependable. Susan will contact them. She also suggested they couldattend one of their meetings and we could attend and learn more about them.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The Optimists and Lions Club member left and then we commenced the CVA meeting
Caledon Village Association Meeting
2. Business arising from the January meeting
2.1 Funding from the Town to offset costs of removal of banners and installation of snowflakes on 12 poles in November has been received. Total invoice from Hogg and Nevills was $1,229.72. A cheque for $500 was received from the Town in January.
Other Business:
3. A cheque was received from the Town in the amount of $1,000 from the MACG grant that Fay applied for last fall. Did not think we had qualified.
4. No word on the Community Safety Zone; however close contact with MPP and Solicitor General Sylvia Jones is being maintained in order to keep this project at the forefront.
Joshua is very interested in traffic calming measures and suggested that the lower speed limits commence further south and further north of where they are now. It suddenly drops from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr and then 50 km /hr. too suddenly. He, along with others, push for traffic lights at the Chester/Mistywood intersection on Hwy. 10 as it impossible to get out of both subdivisions.
Kate said we must keep applying pressure to get this implemented ASAP.
5. Six Villages: Kate sent a letter to the Mayor and Town staff regarding the status of the Six Villages Project, it appears that some of the previous requests from residents have been included in the Six Villages, however there is a lot not being done. Kate read from a portion of the project that states” “Caledon Village is a safe, pedestrian-friendly and well-connected community. The Village offers a range of different services and commercial uses, which serve the travelling public as well as local residents. The needs of pedestrians are balanced with the needs of vehicular traffic”. They have created an image of a beautiful little village nestled in the hills with a few cars going through. No mention of the hundreds of cars coming from the north or the trucks that are constantly turning at the intersection. The only thing that has been done are the left turn lights which we waited years for.
6. Recreation Fund – According to Heather Haire,Treasurer, Finance for the Town of Caledon there is $905,750 sitting in a Recreation fund. What is the purpose of it? Why is it there? Where did it come from? How long has it been accumulating? Kate will contact Ms. Haire again and ask for a deeper break down of the fund..
7. Logo for CVA plus Bicentennial (Fay has a contact who created Mono Mills Bicentennial logo).
8. Any other business to discuss?
Mauro reminded us of the meat roll that the Lions Club is hosting on Feb. 29th. All welcome
Peter had photos showing the huge pile of snow that needs to be removed before
the weather turns mild and the water runs through his basement once again. Kate
had also taken photos and she suggested Peter send his photos and she will send
hers to FuWing Wong, Regional Councillor Ian Sinclair, Area Councillor Lynn Kiernan and Mayor Thompson
9. Next meeting will be March 10th
10. Adjournment.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Call to order and welcome by Kate
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS – Saturday, Sept. 26th 9 – 4 p.m. Caledon Fairgrounds.
Kate introduced everybody in attendance.
Fay reported not too much to report. Waiting to hear from each group regarding their commitment and support.
a) Caledon Lions Club - possible BBQ?
b) Caledon Optimists – games for youth, tattoos + insurance
c) Knox Church – possibly home made pies?
d) Caledon Agricultural Society – pancakes – all day?
e) Caledon Townhall Players – old fashioned tea room at CVP??
f) Caledon Tennis Club - possible tennis tournament?
g) Scouts – Fay suggested to Scott Beaver regarding the possibility of the scouts helping the Optimists organize games for the young people.
h) Fire Department – Kate ?
i) OPP officers - Susan?
j) Girl Guides – David offered to get a contact for this group
k) Robert F. Hall Secondary School Mauro has been in touch with this school and they do have a band available to provide entertainment.
the art students will paint a Bicentennial sign to be installed at the entrance to the fairgrounds. Cost of materials will be reimbursed.
Present sign – Fay and Kate looked into the present sign to ensure it was legal.
l) Mayfield Secondary School - Josh offered to contact Mayfield for a band and/or art work
m) Caledon Central: Fay contact the principal requesting posters created from their imagination how things looked 200 years ago? Either individually or a group to make a large banner for the front of the exhibit hall.
n) First Aid Services: Susan said the Optimists have used Medway First Aid at their events. No confirmation of this
o) Bicentennial logo creation. Kate and Fay met with Peter Smits who designed the logo for Mono Mills Bicentennial and he is offering to help us out.
p) Map of Caledon Village with owners from 1920? Bill
q) Sound system for entertainment and announcements
Any other ideas or commitments?
Bicentennial meeting adjourned.
Caledon Village Association Meeting, immediately following the Bicentennial discussions.
1. Approval of the agenda.
2. Business arising from the February 11th meeting
2.1 Community safety zone – no further information
2.2 Six Villages – Fay and Kate met with Town staff and our two councillors
on Monday, March 2nd to get an update on this project. – Kate
2.3 Recreation Fund – any more information?
2.4 Peter will try to create a logo for the CVA as well as the bicentennial. They may be similar.
2.5 Snow pile on George and McFaul. Kate said she checked and some of the snow was removed on the Friday of the big storm.
New Business:
3. Tourism Meeting held in Caledon Village Place on Monday, March 2. Kate
4. Next meeting will be April 14
5. Adjournment.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Call to order and welcome by Kate at 7 p.m.
Attendance: Kate Hepworth, Colin Lewis, Yves deLisle, Fay McCrea. Mauro Testani, Peter Robertson, Bill Stubbs, Joshua Russell, David Cunningham (Lions Club), Susan Montgomery and Wayne ? (Caledon Optimists)
Regrets: Barney Beckett, Councillors Ian Sinclair and Lynn Kiernan, Rev. Emma Pipes, David Irvine, Jackie Flynn, Judy Lewis
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS – Saturday, Sept. 26th 9 – 4 p.m. Caledon Fairgrounds.
Kate introduced everybody in attendance.
Fay reported on what has happened to date:
a) Contact with Caledon Lions re possible BBQ
b) Caledon Optimists – games for youth, tattoos + insurance
c) Knox church – possibly home made pies
d) Caledon Agricultural Society – pancakes – all day?
e) Caledon Townhall Players – old fashioned tea room at CVP??
f) Caledon Tennis Club - possibly tennis tournament
g) Scouts – Fay has contacted Scott Beaver who will discuss at their next meeting. Good suggestion was helping the Optimists organizing games.
Others to be contacted:
Fire Department – Susan offered to contact them
OPP officers - Susan offered to contact them
Girl Guides – David offered to get a contact for this group
High Schools - Mauro offered to contact Robert F. Hall regarding a band Also, if the art students would like to create a sign for the entrance to the fairgrounds.
Josh offered to contact Mayfield for a band and/or art work
Caledon Central: Fay contact the principal requesting posters created from their imagination how things looked 200 years ago? Either individually or a group to make a large banner for the front of the exhibit hall.
All students can get their volunteer hours for volunteering their services.
First Aid Services: Susan said the Optimists have used Medway First Aid at their events. They are volunteers who are working towards being paramedics or nurses and are very good and they have lots of volunteers and they are dependable. Susan will contact them. She also suggested they couldattend one of their meetings and we could attend and learn more about them.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The Optimists and Lions Club member left and then we commenced the CVA meeting
Caledon Village Association Meeting
2. Business arising from the January meeting
2.1 Funding from the Town to offset costs of removal of banners and installation of snowflakes on 12 poles in November has been received. Total invoice from Hogg and Nevills was $1,229.72. A cheque for $500 was received from the Town in January.
Other Business:
3. A cheque was received from the Town in the amount of $1,000 from the MACG grant that Fay applied for last fall. Did not think we had qualified.
4. No word on the Community Safety Zone; however close contact with MPP and Solicitor General Sylvia Jones is being maintained in order to keep this project at the forefront.
Joshua is very interested in traffic calming measures and suggested that the lower speed limits commence further south and further north of where they are now. It suddenly drops from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr and then 50 km /hr. too suddenly. He, along with others, push for traffic lights at the Chester/Mistywood intersection on Hwy. 10 as it impossible to get out of both subdivisions.
Kate said we must keep applying pressure to get this implemented ASAP.
5. Six Villages: Kate sent a letter to the Mayor and Town staff regarding the status of the Six Villages Project, it appears that some of the previous requests from residents have been included in the Six Villages, however there is a lot not being done. Kate read from a portion of the project that states” “Caledon Village is a safe, pedestrian-friendly and well-connected community. The Village offers a range of different services and commercial uses, which serve the travelling public as well as local residents. The needs of pedestrians are balanced with the needs of vehicular traffic”. They have created an image of a beautiful little village nestled in the hills with a few cars going through. No mention of the hundreds of cars coming from the north or the trucks that are constantly turning at the intersection. The only thing that has been done are the left turn lights which we waited years for.
6. Recreation Fund – According to Heather Haire,Treasurer, Finance for the Town of Caledon there is $905,750 sitting in a Recreation fund. What is the purpose of it? Why is it there? Where did it come from? How long has it been accumulating? Kate will contact Ms. Haire again and ask for a deeper break down of the fund..
7. Logo for CVA plus Bicentennial (Fay has a contact who created Mono Mills Bicentennial logo).
8. Any other business to discuss?
Mauro reminded us of the meat roll that the Lions Club is hosting on Feb. 29th. All welcome
Peter had photos showing the huge pile of snow that needs to be removed before
the weather turns mild and the water runs through his basement once again. Kate
had also taken photos and she suggested Peter send his photos and she will send
hers to FuWing Wong, Regional Councillor Ian Sinclair, Area Councillor Lynn Kiernan and Mayor Thompson
9. Next meeting will be March 10th
10. Adjournment.